Our Pledge
We are incredibly excited about the prospect of seeing young people develop during their time at Beauchamp and want to work closely in partnership with parents/carers and their children.Making a decision about where to send your child to study can often be difficult, however we believe that Beauchamp offers the very best opportunity for academic success and the most rewarding journey from Year 7 to 11 and onto KS5, work, or further training.
Our pledge means that we will
- Ensure that every young person feels safe, happy and valued, so that they can have outstanding academic success and holistic development regardless of their background.
- Provide a pastoral structure consisting of well-trained and caring staff who will know every student individually to meet their needs and support them through their journey.
- Teach engaging, challenging and creative lessons which will foster a love of learning, promote leadership and clear preparation for future studies.
- Offer targeted paths for learners in order to help our young people develop their individual talent, whether this be in sports, the arts, science and technology, humanities, maths, enterprise, design or languages.
- Seek to guarantee our young people know the necessary steps to be successful by providing comprehensive guidance on appropriate courses and apprenticeships which feed into the career path they wish to follow.
- Have a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, including house activities, charity events, and residential trips, to support with holistic development and allowing for young people to learn outside of the classroom.
- Maintain a consistent dialogue with parents/carers ensuring that we work in partnership to allow our young people to flourish, be ready for life challenges and opportunities offered in the wider world.