Student Governors
We have four Student Governors and three Student Ambassadors.They play a prominent role and provide a channel for student voices across the college.

Goodluck Oni-Martins – Student Governor
I am honoured to have been elected a Student Governor by our school community. I guarantee to everyone that I am here to listen to the concerns of all students – from the youngest student to the oldest. I will work tirelessly to bridge the gap between members of staff and students to ensure that all students' concerns are met. I have three main priorities for this academic year:
- To improve student leadership opportunities for all students. Sixth Formers will have more opportunities to showcase leadership qualities that are needed for UCAS applications through the introduction of Form Representatives, Form Prefects and a Student Cabinet. Years 7 to 11 will have Student Councillors, Form Captains and Anti-bullying Ambassadors, with Year 10s serving as Peer Mentors to welcome new Year 7 students and help them settle into college. This will give students many opportunities to build their communication and leadership skills that are necessary for PS16 and UCAS applications in the future whilst improving standards.
- To improve the culture, media and sport facilities at college by championing student journalism by re-introducing a student newspaper, The Beauchamp Chronicle and a school podcast, The Rest is Beauchamp. I will also seek to implement more fun and educational trips, charity fundraising events and implement the Sports Leaders programme.
- To improve career-based opportunities for all students at college by implementing a careers week to showcase the range of careers that students may be interested in, introducing a scheme to help students who are interested in applying for Oxbridge and highly-competitive courses and reforming Silent Study for Sixth Formers by focusing this lesson on careers and UCAS.
I will draw on my previous years of experience in student council and leadership to carry out necessary reforms to improve everyone's time at college and to improve standards.

Hannah Skelton – Student Governor
I feel extremely honoured to be in a position of such influence and I am eager to use my own school experience to enact positive change. I also hope to be a friendly channel of communication for my peers to confidently approach me with their ideas.
Firstly, I recognise that education is imperative for breaking social barriers. Because of this, I aim to make our school an enjoyable and exciting environment for our students to attend every day, in order to foster positive associations with education and academic progression. Therefore, I am a strong believer that implementing periodic events as well as better advertising and creating further extra-curricular opportunities will not only generate an enthusiastic spirit but will allow passionate individuals to take up responsibilities within their preferred society or when volunteering for an event. This will offer students a plethora of desirable skills, enhance learning of practical skills and aid additional self-development.
Secondly, I seek to create an avenue for students to either cite any concerns regarding their school experience or to vote on our changes that we consider putting into place as governors and ambassadors in order to be as inclusive as possible. I think Microsoft forms would be utilised best to perform this function. This will empower students to collaborate with us, so that many student voices can strengthen our decisions and stimulate new projects.
Lastly, I aim to reassess PDC, so that it is more debate focused. Currently, PDC is more teacher led and aims to present the students with a large amount of information. However, to reform this approach, I propose showing a pre-made debate question that students will have time to prepare and voice in teams. I believe this will introduce alternative thinking, a skill which could be applied to humanities subjects.

Amreeta Baria - Student Governor
As a student governor, I aspire to make all voices heard and ensure that Beauchamp is an enjoyable experience for all. I believe that school should be a place where we all feel safe and comfortable, whilst also receiving a meaningful education. School is a stepping stone to great achievements in life, so I believe that all should have a helpful, seamless and welcoming environment to thrive in. I hope to be an approachable member of the student body to help bridge the gap between pupils and Leadership: by collecting ideas of our student cohort, I believe effective ideas and solutions can be developed and implemented.
My first focus as Student Governor is to increase contact between younger and older students in order to make transition between years easier and better for student well-being. I would like all to feel included and supported in their journey at Beauchamp College. Setting up meetings and seminars between students to provide insight into GCSEs, A-levels and general advice would teach dependability, empathy and communication skills- all transferrable values into the career world. This scheme could even lead into others such as voluntary tuition, reaping benefits for all involved.
Secondly, I wish to make Beauchamp College more eco-friendly and increase the green impact of the school. As part of this, I would like to introduce indoor plants, recycling bins and tree planting- collaborating with the Eco Club. Moreover, the wonderful community of Oadby has many local green spaces that Beauchamp could branch out to, perhaps volunteer with, and help to create good relationships with our surrounding community.
Finally, I would like to improve and evaluate our Sixth Form Centre and hopefully increase space, comfort, cleanliness and the variety of food served in the canteen, as I know that many students feel the current selection is limited. However, after collecting ideas from our students, I think amazing improvements can be made.
I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity, and I hope to make a lasting and meaningful impact on our school life.

Aimee Boden – Student Governor
I am very grateful to have been elected student governor this year. I have the main goal of maintaining a nurturing environment for all students, regardless of academic targets. I aim to achieve permanent, positive change through 3 key policies:
- A termly student voice for each subject department, in which students can anonymously issue any constructive feedback to create ‘Plans of Action’ for each department to ensure that students voices are heard.
- A mentoring system between A Level and GCSE students, in which any student facing issues academically or emotionally may seek advice from relatable figures who have been in their situation. This may be guidance on revision techniques, time management, or personal experiences with dealing with the stress and pressures they faced.
- A reform to the societies system to make them more prominent in college life with more influence in student government, with extra promotional opportunities for them.
I will be a voice for all students, so please come and speak to me about your concerns, and I will do all that I can to help.

Lucy Shields – Student Ambassador
I’m incredibly grateful to be given the role of student ambassador representing Beauchamp college and am excited to work with my fellow students and the community making positive and impactful changes. This position is more than just a title and will allow me to be a voice for the students enforcing a positive environment.
I would provide more opportunities for sixth form students who are planning to study the arts or humanities in the future, I think this school has helped to provide many opportunities for students, however many of these are targeted at those taking STEM.
Additionally, I would like to introduce a mentoring system for the new year 7s, where they could be provided with help and support from sixth form students, as coming to secondary school can often be daunting. This would also encourage opportunities for those lower down in the school to interact with those in the older years as well as allowing sixth formers to improve their communication skills.
Finally, I plan to introduce new societies and social activities at Beauchamp College for the students to get involved in, encouraging people to socialise and creating a positive culture we will be proud to be part of.

Zehra Raza – Student Ambassador
As Student Ambassador, I will utilise this incredible opportunity to develop a more welcoming and supportive environment where all students are respected, valued and heard. I will take a proactive approach to implement changes to enhance our diverse community.
I firmly believe that students should be encouraged to explore their individual interests whilst at Beauchamp. This is vital in fostering personal growth, allowing them to develop what truly excites them and exposing them to a range of different perspectives. Ultimately, these students will go on to achieve remarkable things in the future. In addition, students should be informed about the action taken to address their concerns or suggestions. This is important for transparency and honesty but also to promote confidence in expressing their own ideas and thoughts.
I aim to achieve 3 main things:
- My first initiative is to involve more students in extracurricular and super-curricular activities and societies. This will help to improve networking and build inclusivity. It will provide students with the opportunity to make friends, reflect on experiences and communicate with members of staff, ameliorating student-teacher relationships.
- Secondly, I would like to introduce academic tutoring and other forms of guidance to all year groups. This is vital in ensuring that students are able to achieve their potential, secure their career goals and prepare for adult life.
- Finally, I would like to introduce a yearbook for both Year 11 and Year 13. It will preserve memories where students can reflect on their accomplishments and unique journeys.
I am immensely grateful for this position and I hope to make a long-lasting positive impact.

Anoushka Maini – Student Ambassador
I am extremely appreciative of being elected as a Student Ambassador this year at Beauchamp College. In this position, I aim to be an approachable role model, and encourage a respectful and welcoming environment amongst students as well as the wider community.
As a student, I believe it is crucial that we are exposed to both extracurricular and academic opportunities, which is why one of my main objectives is to introduce more student led societies that promote things such as debate, a school newspaper, science experiments, mentoring and others that allow students to meet new people and develop a set of holistic skills, which are especially important when applying for university, apprenticeships and jobs. Using my role as ambassador (as it is community focused), I hope to introduce many guest speakers to provide exposure from specialists in a multitude of fields, possibly providing opportunities for students to gain work experience or volunteering opportunities. I also believe this is a useful scheme to bridge the gap between students from different year groups, encouraging them to connect and learn from each other.
Secondly, I want to improve the current rewards system at Beauchamp, so that students are appropriately recognised for their positive behaviour and academic efforts. To achieve this, I plan to implement a system so that students are given rewards, such as a free cookie, for short term milestones, placing an emphasis on rewards for sixth formers to motivate them to progress, and make a positive impact in the school. As part of this, I want to encourage student recognition from teachers, as I believe this would improve the student-teacher dynamic, allowing students to feel more comfortable asking for help and encourage all students to contribute to the lesson.
Finally, I wish to encourage student voice this year, as it is imperative that more students have the opportunity to voice their opinions on matters that will have an impact on them, such as behaviour policies, curriculums and activities that we can promote to foster a more diverse and inclusive environment.
I look forward to helping to improve the school, and building on our strengths to ensure every student feels welcomed and is able to maximise their time here.