
We believe our learning environment has contributed towards improvement in outcomes and that the unique and inspirational learning spaces we have created have helped to shape a change in teaching pedagogy and has impacted on student attitudes, behaviour and achievement.

Beauchamp has a strong student voice. Student Governors play a major role in the strategic direction of the college and students are very involved in all our campus developments, including working with our architects. Students have contributed towards redefining the learning environment.

Beauchamp is never complacent and always strives for excellence and equity. Our campus development has followed a ten year master-plan, designed by GSS Architecture, prepared in 2004. We have invested in developing our site to keep up with the changing needs of the curriculum and to give our students what, we believe is, a state of the art college in which to study.



The College building and grounds are available for hire at competitive rates. To view the prices for hire please click here. If you would like to make a booking please contact us on 0116 272 9122 or by email. For conditions of hire please click here.

For directions please click here. For site maps, please refer to table below.


Site Maps

College Map
Emergency Evacuation Map
Ice and Snow Clearing Map