First Aid Room

Our First Aid room is situated in the main Student Support Centre at Beauchamp College. It is open daily from 8.30 am until 4 pm, Monday to Thursday, and 3.30 pm on Friday.

Laura Bradshaw is the School Well Being Officer, and is available to support students, who become ill, or sustain injuries during the college day.

Please note that students in Year 7, 8 and 9 will need to be collected by a parent/carer if they are leaving school due to illness or injury.

Older students may take themselves home, following assessment and with parental/carer consent. Please ensure we have current contact details.

In addition to our First Aid room facilities, we have a team of First Aid trained staff throughout the college to attend to any emergencies.


Medication in School

Due to Leicestershire County Council regulations, Beauchamp is not allowed to provide any medication whatsoever for students; this includes Paracetamol.

We are able to store students' essential prescribed or non-prescribed medicines in the first aid room with parental/carer consent. Please discuss this with the School Well Being Officer.



Students who have severe allergies must have an Action Plan agreed by their G.P. or Hospital Consultant in place. All students who require prescribed Epinephrine/Adrenaline to treat a severe allergic reaction must carry their own Epi/Jext Pen at all times, and parents/carers are required to provide a spare pen for emergency use.

Whilst we will remind parents/carers of expiry dates of any medication, it is their responsibility to ensure that replacements are provided promptly.

Staff throughout college are trained to administer Epi/Jext pens to students in emergency situations.



Care plans for any students with diabetes are agreed with parents/carers and the diabetes health professionals. Students are able to store spare snacks and medications in the first aid room and are able to use the room if needed to administer their insulin. Staff are advised of the procedures to support students in school/classes to ensure their safety and well-being.


Counselling Support 

Students can be referred for counselling support from Relate who have specialist Young Peoples Counsellors working in our school.

They offer a structured 6–8-week programme of support which includes an impact review to assess if any further intervention or support is needed.

Prior to counselling, we strongly recommend and provide a safe space to access support services such as Kooth, so that our young people develop strategies to develop and build their own resilience.