Making an informed decision about which courses to choose is key to your success. At Beauchamp College, we offer a range of A-level and applied learning courses, as well as extension courses to add contrast to your academic studies.TRY OUT A SUBJECT TASTER VIDEO
From Graphic Communication to Computer Science, we've got you covered! Our amazing A-Level and Level 3 subjects have taken Subject Taster videos, to give you a little bit of insight into the subjects you'll be studying. You can always check out our prospectus for more information, too!
Mathematics is one of the biggest facilitating subjects, highly regarded by the elite, Russell Group universities, and is essential for many higher education courses and careers. It is a stimulating and challenging course that covers various areas of pure and applied mathematics.
For more information about this course click here.
Further Maths
Further Mathematics is taken in addition to A-Level Mathematics and is designed to stretch and challenge the most able Mathematicians in preparation for university courses in Mathematics and related quantitative and scientific subjects.
For more information about this course click here.
A-Level Biology covers a vast spectrum of different topics providing you with a unique insight into the ever-changing world of science. You will be taught in modern and well-equipped science labs and classrooms. Practical work will be carried out regularly as part of each topic which will contribute to a practical endorsement in addition to your A-Level.
For more information about this course click here.
Studying A-Level Chemistry will give you insight into the physical universe. Chemistry touches every aspect of our lives from the bodily functions within us to the atmosphere around us. Chemistry is often referred to as a central science as it combines physics, biology and mathematics It can help us to explain biological and physical phenomena that cannot be understood through one science alone.
For more information about this course click here.
Physics A-Level is one of the most universally accepted qualifications for progression to university. The course content covers the basis of how things work, from the constituent parts of atoms out to the extent of the universe.
For more information about this course click here.
English literature and language
We read, discuss and analyse a range of literary and non-literary texts; considering issues of ‘literariness’ and ‘literalness’. Exploring a range of modes and genres to gain insights into the nature of different discourses and creativity. You will be producers and interpreters of language by creating texts and critically reflecting on the process.
For more information about this course click here.
English literature
We read, discuss and analyse a range of texts considering different political and social contexts (such as Post-Colonial theory) prioritising your own ‘voice’ in class discussion and essay writing; leading to a personal interpretation of texts. The coursework unit also gives you an independent choice of texts to explore.
For more information about this course click here.
Computer Science
The faculty follows the AQA A-level computer science course and uses Python for our chosen programming language. The specification truly reflects the essence of computer science; is recognised by Higher Education as a rigorous scientific subject; and reveals the subject to be a fundamental, academic discipline underpinning other subjects.
For more information about this course click here.
A-Level History is a varied and exciting course which enables students to develop their knowledge of both British History (through a breadth study of the Tudors) and international History (through a depth study of Weimar and Nazi Germany), as well as their own research skills through the coursework component - currently a choice of either Civil Rights in the USA or Women’s Rights in the UK). It is assessed through both examination and coursework.
For more information about this course click here.
The Pearson Edexcel A-Level in Geography consists of three externally examined papers and one non-examination assessment component. If you are enjoying GCSE Geography then you will like A-level. Some of the topics will be the same as GCSE but will be covered in more detail at A-level and some, particularly in year 13, will be new to you. You should also be interested in environmental issues and current affairs.
For more information about this course click here.
This subject is intellectually challenging and stimulating. It aims to develop an understanding and appreciation of how thought relates to individuals, communities and societies.
Students adopt an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to the three disciplines at A-Level through lively debates, reading, conferences and essay writing.
For more information about this course click here.
The qualification is designed to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of French-speaking society whilst fostering a range of transferable skills including communication, critical thinking, research and analytical skills. The approach is a focus on how French-speaking society is shaped, socially and culturally, and how it continues to change.
Students develop a number of skills including comprehension and language manipulation through the study of topics that are also transferable to other subjects such as history, sociology, politics, literature and film studies.
For more information about this course click here.
The qualification is designed to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of Spanish-speaking society whilst fostering a range of transferable skills including communication, critical thinking, research and analytical skills. The approach is a focus on how Spanish -speaking society is shaped, socially and culturally, and how it continues to change. Students develop a number of skills including comprehension and language manipulation through the study of topics that are also transferable to other subjects such as History, Sociology, Politics, Literature and Film Studies.
For more information about this course click here.
A-Level Politics has a wide variety of topics which are sure to appeal to any burgeoning politicians or simply for those who are interested in discussing important political issues which affect us all. Through studying politics, students will gain a greater understanding of how the political system works both in the UK and the USA and form their own political opinions. It is assessed through examination only.
For more information about this course click here.
Through an A-Level in Business, you'll engage with the world of business through the context of current business developments and real business situations. You'll learn how management, leadership and decision-making can improve performance in marketing, operational, financial and human resources.
For more information about this course click here.
A-Level Accounting enables you to understand the financial implications of business decisions and produce financial statements such as profit or loss, to help make a business better.
For more information about this course click here.
Economics gives you an insight into key issues in the news that affect everyday life such as inflation and unemployment. The subject also allows you to analyse how governments and other organisations could act to control the economy from the impact that are caused by these issues.
For more information about this course click here.
fine art
This course may interest students who are highly creative and enjoy drawing/ painting/ printmaking alongside having an appreciation of the work of fine artists. The course is very hands on and fast paced, always with something new going on so it’s perfect for those who enjoy being creative and stuck in! Fine Art is a classic subject that is widely accepted for entry onto a huge variety of creative degree courses.
For more information about this course click here.
graphic communication
Graphic communication is a highly creative course which focuses on contemporary graphic design and the visual arts. It encourages the development of personal creativity and embraces all aspects of visual communication and experiments with a wide range of materials and techniques.
For more information about this course click here.
In Textile design students will develop skills across a broad range of textiles techniques including fashion textiles, costume design and digital textiles. It provides students the chance to creatively engage with the world around them and developing their technical skills. The study of art and design Textiles equips students with transferable skills that will support them in both further study and a range of careers.
For more information about this course click here.
product design: 3D design
Students who are interested in practical based subjects and enjoy problem solving. The course can complement both STEM and creative pathways, often having students who study maths and science or other creative subjects such as art and design or graphics.
For more information about this course click here.
Film Studies
Film has always been a central part of our cultural landscape and, as the success of streaming platforms like Netflix prove, it is only growing in popularity. So often the topic of our conversation, a means of defining our identities, or even just the way we choose to escape reality, film is worth knowing more about.
The course will see you study film in terms of how construction affects meaning, as well as understanding ideology, narrative, spectatorship, and auteur theory. The creative element allows you to create your own short film or write your own screenplay.
For more information about this course click here.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour, considering and evaluating explanations from different approaches. The course will involve learning key theories and studies, how research is designed, and the practical applications of psychological understanding to areas such as parenting, therapies for mental illness, memory and learning, and creating social change.
For more information about this course click here.
Sociology is the study of social structures and social institutions. Sociology helps explain social change, encourages political and social engagement with contemporary social issues. Sociology will definitely help develop your essay skills, allowing you to discuss different views on social issues in a critical and evaluative way.
For more information about this course click here.
Physical Education
The OCR A-Level in Physical Education consists of a range of question and answer, examination / past paper questions, homework, end of unit tests / assessments. The course is very tough BUT if you work hard in lessons and outside of lessons then you will be fine!
For more information about this course click here.
BTEC and CTEC Courses
music technology
A basis of study for the music production sector with a focus on music and sound for media and DAW production. Music Technology is the option for budding music producers, musicians, DJs and songwriters.
You will have access to industry standard music production and recording equipment and to a well-equipped recording studio. No previous musical experience is required, just a passion for music, technology and creativity. Designed to support progression to apprenticeship or employment also.
For more information about this course click here.
Health & Social Care
Students will learn about how aspects of Sociology, Psychology, Biology and Law are applied to make up the subject of Health & Social Care. Key to their study will be the ability to recognise that in the diverse society we live in there is an inherent need for the provision of care. As a technical qualification this offers the opportunities for students to take a more practical approach to their studies and develop transferable skills.
OCR Cambridge Technicals prepares students for a world increasingly dominated by the use of IT systems. It is an ideal subject for students who want a broad education in IT as well as those looking to develop skills needed in a vocational or work context. Students will take 3 examinations in Fundamentals in IT, Global Information and Cyber Security. There will also be 2 coursework units in Project Management and Product Development (creating a website). For more information about this course click here.
Extension Course
Post 16 students on three (or four) A-Level courses are to study one of the Extension courses that we offer. We feel this is important to bring a bit of colour and contrast to their academic studies. In a competitive world, we are confident that broadening their curriculum will help provide the breadth of study and skill set that increasingly universities, training courses and employers are expecting.
The information below gives details of each of the courses on offer to help students make an informed choice and to select a course that is appropriate for them.
Find out more about these courses here.